Comments on Profile Post by Extendingskys

  1. Tuqueque
    Check Aikar’s notes on flying machines on one of the updates. There is some tweaks he added for preventing some stuff... gonna search for it later
    Feb 7, 2021
  2. Burki
    It's a nightmare.
    For mine I'd find they would always stop in a specific location almost like there is ghost blocks in the way, I got around this ish by just making multiple machines and playing around with it until it somehow worked (0 logic to it).
    Also make sure the bamboo isn't buildmoded or anything.
    EMC really does ruin most redstone
    Feb 8, 2021
  3. Extendingskys
    Facts, burki, facts. It seems to be that air blocks can wind up grief protected and can sometimes stop flying machines, or if bamboo grows into the protected air block, it becomes protected and also stops it. Chickeneer has been helping me figure it out, so at least the devs are aware of the issue and working on it.
    Feb 8, 2021
  4. Burki
    Makes sense, at least there's some kind of progress happening.

    With my kelp farm I managed to make it so there's no immovable blocks stopping them, just those random protected air blocks. Looks so strange seeing them stop in the exact right spot each time with no assistance but it's to be expected with EMC lol
    Feb 8, 2021
  5. Extendingskys
    Thats big brain, maybe if I can reproduce the issue, it can be a new way to make redstone contraptions or invisible water tubes :D
    Feb 8, 2021