Quite a few people have 6 residences. Kyzoy, Drenzler78, GreenMeanie, SumireMju, ChickenEar, ItsMeMatheus, xXnexevXx, xXvexenXx, Gamemaster3157, Roslyn, UltiPig, Luckygreenbird, cadgamer101, cadgamer202, fishmeal, ChristopherJay, Grauhaar72, TheOlburgen, Pancake230, kissthenerd, Faithcaster, highlancer54, kevmeup, cardiophil, pascal1881, Lily_Lil, Eclipsys, Hashhog and TechFilmer
I have give 48 residences owned by fadedmartian accounts and then another 30 or so on other accounts.
This was by single accounts as I don't know which alt belongs to who, but you've got a lot of reses lol.
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