Comments on Profile Post by Krysyy

  1. Gaming_Comander
    I'm so happy to hear! What did you dress up as?
    Oct 29, 2020
  2. Krysyy
    Princess Leia
    Oct 29, 2020
  3. MoreMoople
    Well done! :D
    Oct 29, 2020
  4. Gaming_Comander
    Oooh, nice costume idea! I love the star wars movies!
    Oct 29, 2020
  5. 607
    What costume contest?
    I still remember how surprised and excited I was when I found out that you were the red dragon. :)
    Oct 29, 2020
  6. Krysyy
    The one at my dance hall. I complete at the south location tonight. Hoping to earn the boot gift card so I can release more Krysyy's Dancin' Boots =P
    Oct 29, 2020
  7. MoreMoople
    *cough cough* If you release more boots, release them directly to my vault, please. ;) <3
    Oct 29, 2020
  8. crystaldragon13
    K, don't let the stupidity of one or even a few dictate your life. You are and have always been beautiful the way you are but if.. and I mean IF it is that you feel better looking a particular way then by all means work towards your goal. I mean.. being fit is so healthy for you and I'm so proud you've achieved what you were going for.. after all.. you're worth it. =] <3
    Oct 30, 2020
  9. McAwesome_09
    GG I'm too self-conscious to wear anything out in public that might not look good XD
    Nov 2, 2020