Comments on Profile Post by PetezzaDawg

  1. BenMA
    I wish I could like this more than once. We need change.
    May 30, 2020
  2. TomvanWijnen
    I've clearly missed them so far, what do they do, I'm curious. :)
    May 30, 2020
  3. MoreMoople
    We are advertising now, hence the increase in trolls. This is another reason why there is a new staff app out, so that we can have more people available at different times. Krysyy is also working behind the scenes to make sure that we're taking stronger action against it. However, if you would like to suggest this to her directly, I would recommend sending a PM. :)
    May 30, 2020
  4. Hashhog
    (Also a reminder of the existence of /ignore. Obviously this does not give staff an excuse to slack on punishment, but it is a helpful tool nonetheless, particularly with some of these new trolls who you might find obnoxious but don't immediately break the rules to the point of a mute.)
    May 30, 2020
  5. PetezzaDawg
    Moops, I did PM Krysyy about this about a week ago, and I understand these things take time, but I need to make sure that things are actually being followed through. And hash, /ignore doesn’t help when I can’t ignore half the community who’s spam in reaction to the trolls is honestly just as bad
    May 31, 2020
  6. Hashhog
    Yes, things ARE actually being done behind the scenes regarding re-training mindsets and reestablishing concrete guidelines as to how these things should be dealt with. Can back up what Moople said there.
    May 31, 2020