Comments on Profile Post by Stnywitness

  1. MoreMoople
    I had terrible neck pain for quite a while too. This is how I helped fix it:
    1. I set a timer to go off every 30 minutes that would remind me to correct my posture and sit up straight. I did this with Sazukemono because it is very helpful to have friends motivate you.
    (Augh, character limit)
    May 22, 2020
  2. MoreMoople
    2. It turned out I also had an issue with clenching my jaw, and the stress/pain from that radiated to my neck. I became more conscious of when I was clenching my jaw and visited an orthodontist to get something to prevent it.
    3. Heat pads are your friend. They are great for temporary relief. :)
    May 22, 2020
  3. Stnywitness
    Thanks so much moops! Yeah, I use a heat pad when it is hurtin bad too. They work wonders :D
    May 23, 2020
  4. Unoski
    I recommend seeing a doctor.
    May 23, 2020
  5. Stnywitness
    Lol, I have! I've gotten x-rays on it and everything. But they said it looked like nothing was wrong with it... THEN we took the Xrays to the chiropractor, and he was like, "Wow, that's definitely out of place." He fixed it, but then it started hurting again. I've kind of been on that cycle. Hurts, go to chiropractor, it helps, hurts go to... etc.
    May 23, 2020
  6. Unoski
    And you got a second opinion? I would just hate for you to rely on a chiropractor. They really aren't real medical doctors.
    May 23, 2020
  7. Stnywitness
    I don't know what you mean by a second opinion, but I feel like it isn't something bad enough as going to the doctor. :P I do bring it up for my routine checkups though and they do some investigating.
    May 23, 2020
  8. Stnywitness
    Plus, when I do see a doctor for the checkups, they recommend seeing a chiropractor.
    May 23, 2020