Comments on Profile Post by KoolAid42

  1. jewel_king
    i think the 2 most popular parts about it are derelict protection and Italic/bold chat
    Dec 5, 2019
  2. MoreMoople
    ^ those are the main reasons that people get it. However, it does raise some limits. This page has more details on what iron supporter provides as far as that goes: :)
    Dec 5, 2019
  3. AncientTower
    I became a six month iron supporter after I had been on the server for about a month. I wasn't sure how long I'd stick around at the time.
    Dec 5, 2019
  4. Extendingskys
    It allows you to mine iron ore. Now you can make iron tools! If you want gold or diamond ore though, you need to pay more :(
    Dec 6, 2019