Comments on Profile Post by __INKY

  1. MoreMoople
    Mmmm, I love bread :D
    Nov 20, 2019
  2. AncientTower
    Do you have a bread maker machine or do you use the oven?
    Nov 20, 2019
  3. __INKY
    I have a machine, and it gets used pretty often, but every once in a while I like to make it the old-fashioned way. It's 100x more fun, and the crust gets crispier. Today's loaf was oven bread:)
    Nov 20, 2019
  4. _REMOVED_104180
    so you could say you're getting this bread?
    Nov 20, 2019
  5. __INKY
    I am indeed getting this bread
    Nov 20, 2019
  6. TomvanWijnen
    I hope you loaf your bread. ;)
    Nov 27, 2019