Comments on Profile Post by JohnKid

  1. JohnKid
    For reference, I dont cook often at the moment and the most I have cooked for myself is stuff like... Boxed stroganoff and boxed dinners, things easy because they have exact directions on 'em. So when I make something on my own with not much but what I was taught by my mom at an earlier time, and I get it right or nearly right, I get super happy about it, haha.
    Nov 2, 2018
  2. 607
    Ha, nice! I find fried eggs a lot harder, though, because you have to break the egg without it spilling onto the floor and without (big) parts of the shell getting into the egg.
    Nov 3, 2018
  3. JohnKid
    Oh yeah, those are most definitely harder! Still haven't done those on my own, haha.
    Nov 3, 2018
  4. MattieTheSpud
    Crack the egg into a bowl, then into a pan, if you're not confident that you can do it without shell!

    If you're not particularly confident with the cracking, get a knife, and use it to make a shallow crack in the shell, it can make it easier if you're struggling.

    also eggs are life #sach
    Nov 6, 2018
  5. 607
    Yup, I know both of those tricks, it's still hard. :P
    Nov 7, 2018
  6. MattieTheSpud
    Whatcha having trouble with, six?
    Nov 7, 2018
  7. 607
    Shell parts getting into the bowl. It's almost impossible to get them out, as egg is such a strange substance.
    Nov 7, 2018
  8. MattieTheSpud
    Wet your hands and salt the egg.
    Nov 7, 2018