Comments on Profile Post by ArkonXT

  1. ArkonXT
    the thing's been dying for over a year, i got my laptop a few weeks after moving to nola late July 2017. surprised it actually got this far considering whenever I close Norton (what I use to protect my stuff) it has to crash in order to close LOL
    Sep 13, 2018
  2. ArkonXT
    (contd.) also steam kills my processor for a solid 5 minutes after I start it up after a day or two
    Sep 13, 2018
  3. ElfinPineapple
    So two pieces of advice for next computer

    1) Get a much better processor (probably a duh at this point)
    2) Don't use norton again. They're the best at french-frying bad things on your computer, but they destroy your processor to do it. Most people don't find that exchange worth it.
    Sep 14, 2018
  4. ArkonXT
    Thanks for the tips!
    Sep 14, 2018