Comments on Profile Post by CoffeeAffinity

  1. Tbird1128
    I see that. I am hoping I get mostly rain since I'm more or less in the middle of North Carolina. Aikar is closer to where one is predicted to hit.
    Sep 9, 2018
  2. JohnKid
    Will at least be receiving the outer bands of the storm! Will try to stay safe as possible still though :)
    Sep 9, 2018
  3. Sadie_Dragon
    What's fun is that I'm heading out to NC in a couple of weeks.... Man I sure hope the timing works out ok, cause mom's already having issues with the idea of such a long road trip...
    Sep 9, 2018
  4. Sadie_Dragon
    *checks map again* also, if Florence smacks NC, we might get smacked too. *woo*
    Sep 9, 2018
  5. CoffeeAffinity
    Man what a relief, Florence just before hitting mainland downgraded to a Category 1, though that doesn’t make it any better for the people in the line of fire.
    Sep 15, 2018
  6. Sadie_Dragon
    Yes, but she shattered, lost her wind "OH everything's gonna be just rain" Then she regrouped and got her wind back, and many problems...
    Sep 15, 2018
  7. Tbird1128
    I only have rain so far and no wind. Waiting to see if we have any flooding where I am.
    Sep 16, 2018