Comments on Profile Post by ItsMeWolffpack

  1. Jay2a
    The bassline and beat are notably similar, but I wouldn't have thought one was plagiarizing the other
    Jun 28, 2018
  2. ItsMeWolffpack
    Thats what I'm sayin, we play tons of songs in our band with the same bass lines.
    Jun 28, 2018
  3. We3_MPO
    As long as they aren't identical (which I seriously doubt they are), he does not deserve this. I'm disappointed. :(
    Jun 28, 2018
  4. Otus_NigRum
    At this point, the whole modern pop industry needs to just sue eachother, considering every damn song chooses identical beats and basslines, it's trash
    Jul 2, 2018
  5. ItsMeWolffpack
    Basically. i bVI bIII bVII
    Jul 2, 2018
  6. ItsMeWolffpack
    Basslines have been copied since the 50's, lil less than new pop though
    Jul 2, 2018
  7. Otus_NigRum
    new pop basslines aren't copied as much as the 50s?
    Jul 2, 2018
  8. ItsMeWolffpack
    No, other way.
    Jul 2, 2018
  9. Otus_NigRum
    oh got it aha
    Jul 2, 2018
  10. ItsMeWolffpack
    We play a mix of pop and marching style tunes in marching season and honestly it's repetitive. Concert and J a z z are way more unique
    Jul 2, 2018
  11. Otus_NigRum
    Could you not play any metal or rock music in marching band?
    Jul 2, 2018