You can plant any tree types anywhere in Minecraft, even if it's extremely silly and unrealistic (i.e. acacia in a cold/snowy taiga, or spruce in deserts, mesas, or the Nether).
But I personally wouldn't plant jungle nor acacia trees in anything colder than a regular forest, non-frozen river, or temperate ocean, nor would I plant spruce trees somewhere hot (like savannas, jungles, and anything hotter). The exception to the former is if I'm making a tropical garden in an atrium in a colder biome, in which case I may anywhere.
Thanks! That's what my mom always says about me (and for a lot of things). However, I'm still not a perfect person, as I do make mistakes, bad things do happen to me, and I do tend to go bad when angry or annoyed (although I'm at least better at controlling it partly than I was 4 years ago). But I don't expect to be a perfect person. And I don't expect anyone to be. Because we all can't be.
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