Comments on Profile Post by We3_MPO

  1. We3_MPO
    I have not stepped into it directly, I do not want to, and I will not, but it must stop. Now.
    Jun 15, 2018
  2. ShyguytheGamer1
    I may be biased, but isn't your version of drama just a debate?
    Jun 15, 2018
  3. chickeneer
    I am going to say it...
    Making multiple comments about a single incident fuels drama. Drama isn't always about being mean or bullying someone; sometimes it is blowing something up bigger than what it would be normally...
    Like a status that brings in people into the situation that would not normally have known about it.
    Jun 15, 2018
  4. We3_MPO
    Oh sorry, I wasn't aware of that, chicken.
    Jun 15, 2018
  5. chickeneer
    Not a problem. I wanted to out that there generally is nothing wrong with pointing out inappropriate behavior and respectfully, asking to stop; but if one brings it to another medium, it actually perpetuates the topic further.
    Jun 15, 2018
  6. We3_MPO
    Thanks for the clarification!
    Jun 15, 2018