Comments on Profile Post by 607

  1. mba2012
    But English has an infinite number of pronunciations. I don't think any language could beat that ;)
    Jun 8, 2018
  2. 607
    Not literally infinite, right? Does it?
    Jun 8, 2018
  3. 607
    But yes, it's nice. :P
    Jun 8, 2018
  4. mba2012
    I mean, how often do you see words share a consistent pronunciation in English?
    Jun 8, 2018
  5. chickeneer
    Sure but I would argue those are a countably infinite pool of words. Show me a language that has an uncountably infinite set of words to use. Then I will be impressed.
    Jun 8, 2018
  6. 607
    I forgot what that means, chickeneer. :P
    Jun 8, 2018
  7. chickeneer
    countably infinite means that you could create a 1-1 mapping with the integers; ie you could generate an infinitely-sized list.

    uncountably infinite means that you could not generate a list; no pattern generates an infinite list of all the elements of the set.

    For example. The rational numbers are a countably infinite set of numbers, but the real numbers are uncountably infinite (because of irrational numbers).
    Jun 8, 2018
  8. 607
    Ah, okay, interesting!
    Then no, I don't think such a language exists.
    Jun 8, 2018
  9. chickeneer
    the thought is interesting though. A language where new words can be dynamically created, and all parties understand without updating each others core dictionary. If that makes sense.
    Jun 8, 2018