Now I'll just have to hope that he's changed (he hasn't bothered my friends lately that I know of, but still). Plus, I've met yet another guy recently that I also like, but I'm not sure whether he's gay/bi or not (or if either of them are really), and if so, whether he's suitable anyways.
Wish me luck as I get this figured out! Although I do have a plan (it actually consists of a Plan A and Plan B) I'm referring to as Operation PLUCAS (Potential Lovers Under Control And Surveying), I'm not sure whether it'll work or not. I have, however, told all of my friends except the two guys and a third friend who doesn't support gay rights about Operation PLUCAS.
Also, for those of you who are wondering why it being May matters, his birthday is May 18th and Summer Break begins in mid or late (depending on the year) May, and those things, especially in combination, cause me to be extra stressed about it. It was what stretched me to my breaking point last year.
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