That's basically me in Spring and Autumn, except the heat also makes me not want to go out because it's so humid here and I hate being gross/sticky/burning due to my sweat not evaporating. I prefer Spring over Autumn (or any other season) though, as Spring makes the green trees come back and has a bunch of nice,...
...pretty flowers, while Autumn makes the leaves change colors (which makes it look ugly) and eventually fall off. Also, another difference is Autumn is more predictable, as September/early October are still all hot, but November/late October are already all cold, while February tends to be nice, March and April extremely unpredictable, and May is all hot.
Also I deal with allergies year round, worst in October and also very bad in April. I want our Springs and Autumns to come back rather than torture us with blistering heat and chilly weather, and for people to start planting more pansies, carnations, violas, violets, coniferous trees, coniferous shrubs, and cold hardy palms so it'll be pleasant/verdant year round.
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