Comments on Profile Post by Alukiann

  1. Rhyblet
    /deletebed removes your bed spawn point without you having to break the bed, and @@ is the same as /reply
    Apr 8, 2018
  2. Alukiann
    @.@ What does /reply do?
    Apr 8, 2018
  3. Tuqueque
    Replies to your most recent pm
    Apr 8, 2018
  4. Alukiann
    Okay... NEAT. And you can just type @@ [message]? Doesn't @m make it Market Chat or something too?
    Apr 8, 2018
  5. TomvanWijnen
    Yup, @t is to town chat (yes I still call it town), @r to residence, etc. :D
    Apr 8, 2018
  6. Tuqueque
    @X —> changes focused channel to the letter that you type in X

    @playername starts convo

    You can also type a message after ^^^ for only that msg to go to that channel

    //calc —> ingame calculator
    Apr 8, 2018
  7. Alukiann
    THERE'S AN INGAME CALCULATOR? Why isn't there a list of what you can do, or a thread? Or is there? xD Thanks everyone.
    Apr 8, 2018
  8. Tuqueque
  9. Alukiann
    Oh, neat, thanks.
    Apr 8, 2018
  10. Rhyblet
    Huh, thought //calc was common knowledge
    Also, doing /qm c <message> lets you have slashes without having to do the period
    For instance /qm c /r pay MerRhyAndBright 10000 would show up in community chat as /r pay MerRhyAndBright 10000.
    Apr 8, 2018
  11. TomvanWijnen
    "/qm c" isn't as quick at "@c" ;)
    Apr 8, 2018
  12. Alukiann
    Lol. Thanks ya'll.
    Apr 9, 2018