Comments on Profile Post by TomvanWijnen

  1. haastregt
    Wauw, I have given additional physics lessons before. There was one guy, who I just couldn't get to work. I once had a 2 hour sitting with him as well, just trying my hardest to let him try some assignments because he had a test the next day. It was very intense but eventually, he did make them, his grade... eh let's not talk about that >.>
    Mar 9, 2018
  2. TomvanWijnen
    Aw, that'd annoying. I hope you did get paid, regardless of the bad outcome. :P My guy really wants (and needs, to be honest) my help, and it helps him a lot, so that's nice. :)
    Mar 9, 2018
  3. haastregt
    For those lessons I did not get paid because that was when I still needed to get some hours for 'maatschappelijke stage' >.>
    But even though he did not get a good grade, it still helped him to at least push far enough to do something for his later tests.
    Mar 9, 2018
  4. TomvanWijnen
    Ah, okay, oh well. :P
    I'd say that if that's the case, then you have helped him, and the lesson was, albeit not immediately, successful! :)
    Mar 9, 2018