Comments on Profile Post by We3_MPO

  1. Sazukemono
    Ahh, I can dream! ^_~*

    And actually, I started my official events training only a few hours after my mod-in-training badge was removed. I don't remember hosting any events before then, though...
    I was certainly eager to learn, so I shadowed a few as closely as I could :P maybe that's what you're thinking of?
    Feb 20, 2018
  2. We3_MPO
    I didn't know you started official events training! Does that mean you'll become an EEO if you pass?
    Feb 20, 2018
  3. Sazukemono
    Haha no, that's not how it works :P gotta be trained in an event before we can host one, and that doesn't happen till we're out of our mod-in-training stage. All my current level of training means is that I'm no longer a mod-in-training and I can host a handful of events ;)

    the process for becoming an Empire Event Organizer is quite a lot more involved, and I don't even know 80% of the steps, lol
    Feb 20, 2018
  4. We3_MPO
    I hope you find out that 80% you don't know and become one! I think you'd be great! :D
    Feb 20, 2018
  5. Sazukemono
    Aww thanks! :D
    Feb 20, 2018
  6. Rhyblet
    Well, you now have the mobarena training under your belt, so that's one step closer ~
    Feb 23, 2018