Comments on Profile Post by Dr_Chocolate

  1. Rhyblet
    They deserved everything they got.
    (Assuming you're talking about what I think you're talking about)
    Dec 14, 2017
  2. PenguinDJ
    I agree, some of the angry memes of Ajit Pai were a bit too much. But let's not forget that what the FCC did today WAS horrible.
    Dec 14, 2017
  3. Rhyblet
    Not what I was thinking of, carry on
    Dec 14, 2017
  4. PeculiarPotato
    What did you think he was talking about?
    Dec 14, 2017
  5. We3_MPO
    I know I'm late. But I disagree with what you just said, if you're talking about Sean and Runder being banned. They deserved what they got. Sean and Runder were causing unnecessary drama that may have affected a lot of people.
    Jan 20, 2018
  6. We3_MPO
    But if it's the FCC repealing Net Neutrality, then I agree. That was a horrible move.
    Jan 20, 2018
  7. PenguinDJ
    Net Neutrality affects a lot of people as well! But our memes have to remain calm and nice, otherwise anti-Net Neutrality folks can start using our memes against us.
    Jan 21, 2018
  8. We3_MPO
    He has a point. (Responding to the message right above this one.)
    Jan 21, 2018
  9. PeculiarPotato
    why am i still getting notifications for this post.. it was posted over a month ago
    Jan 23, 2018
  10. PenguinDJ
    Because it's important that you care what We3 thinks about two players banned over a month ago! Get with the program!
    Jan 23, 2018
  11. We3_MPO
    Pecu, the only reason you're getting notifications from the comments on this status is because you commented on this status.
    Jan 23, 2018
  12. PeculiarPotato
    Let me rephrase my question.. Why are you responding to a status that is over a month old trying to get reactions out of penguin, choco, or myself?
    Jan 23, 2018
  13. We3_MPO
    I'm not trying to get reactions. I was just trying to point out that if someone is permabanned and not quickly unbanned, there's a good reason for it.
    Jan 23, 2018
  14. PeculiarPotato
    You were legit trying to start a debate with disagree about something chocolate said OVER A MONTH AGO!!!!!!!
    Jan 23, 2018
  15. PenguinDJ
    Eh, Pecu, I disagree with your assumption that he's trying to get a reaction out of us. But I do think he's operating under the (false) assumption that we care what his opinion is on this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Jan 23, 2018
  16. Dr_Chocolate
    Oh, this site is still a thing? Thanks for the 20 alerts I guess.
    Jan 24, 2018