I knew it was cold, but my radiator was on. My room gets way too hot while it's on, so I keep the window open 24/7. Radiator turned off (and hasn't been back on since, it seems) while I was sleeping, and I woke up to a freezing cold room :P
And Moople wtf that's like -27 degrees how are you even alive
I can't stand it. Then again, I just dislike the cold. I remember my family thinking I was weird for keeping my coat and everything on at the beach when it was like 12 degrees and they were sunbathing.
Kinda. 12 degrees is cold to me. I think it's just because I'm browner in complexion than the rest of my family because I take more after the Spanish and Welsh side of my family (Welsh people are caramel coloured, my mum's mother is no exception) rather than the Irish and English one. It has to be at least 23 degrees for me to even slightly sweat.
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