Comments on Profile Post by Faithcaster

  1. FloatinPineapple
    The longest I've ever seen is 72hrs so I want to say that, but it might be longer.
    Apr 30, 2017
  2. BenMA
    There really is no said "max", but after too long, people might become uninterested in your auction. So I wouldn't set it to be too long.
    Apr 30, 2017
  3. ElfinPineapple
    Length is up to you, but what Ben says is definitely true - having it last too long risks having it buried and all sides (including you) forgot about it.

    Personally (staff hat off), I've never seen much point to having more than three days between the last bid and end of auction, so I would say keep it at or under that time.
    Apr 30, 2017
  4. Faithcaster
    Even for rare items? @ElfinPineapple?
    Apr 30, 2017
  5. ElfinPineapple
    Well some of the rarer items wouldn't be up for auction - way too much risk in not getting what it's worth. If those were to go to auction I'd give a full week, but everything else would be 72 hours still if I were to run it.
    May 1, 2017