Comments on Profile Post by xXvexenXx

  1. Slvr
    This is me, except with everyone not just my boss. In all seriousness, hope things pick up. :/
    Jan 25, 2017
  2. Nickblockmaster
    There is always hope bud, and always the opportunity to carry out whoyou are as an individual... it isn't always what people want... who we are I mean. And even when we are trying our best It doesn't necessarily mean weare meant to do what we're attempting. It takes an understanding person to realize not everyone you hire is going to work the same, but ye mustn't fuss about it. It's life bud, we're all different! ;)
    Jan 25, 2017
  3. Equinox_Boss
    It's ok i forgive you
    Feb 5, 2017
  4. Equinox_Boss
    You deserve the best everything anyway :P
    Feb 5, 2017