Comments on Profile Post by ShelLuser

  1. ShelLuser
    They *actively* and *willingly* harassed other players. So you get forum banned and they get to yell at me because obviously they're still allowed to participate here.
    Nov 27, 2016
  2. ShelLuser
    This STINKS! And reeks of a serious flaw in the rules IMO. Why they didn't forum ban players who *actively* and *illegally* harmed & harassed other players is WAY beyond me at this time. Yes, I am ticked off, that's the other side of me during the weekends :P But all within reason.
    Nov 27, 2016
  3. Dufne
    Hey Shel, I won't give my opinion on what you just said, but let's please not call people dorks. cheers
    Nov 27, 2016
  4. ShelLuser
    @rhy: You make a very fair point, changed.
    Dec 1, 2016
  5. CaptainFoxy_
    Nah. I was caught twice breaking the rules so... It evens out
    Aug 20, 2017