Comments on Profile Post by AmusedStew

  1. Unidnt
    Yes it would.
    Jul 25, 2016
  2. 607
    I'd join!
    Jul 25, 2016
  3. AmusedStew
    Maybe someone should set one up. I would do it but not sure how or the costs. Would love to see it happen though. We had an unofficial Hexxit server once so maybe this could happen.
    Jul 25, 2016
  4. 607
    I tried setting up a server once, but it was a pain. I have a friend who could do it, but he's not on EMC, and I'm not sure if his father would like all of us using one of his servers while his son doesn't even play on it himself.
    Jul 25, 2016
  5. AmusedStew
    Probably wouldnt be wise. I know there are people on EMC able to do it, but dont know who those people are. Playing pixelmon solo isnt as fun as it is in groups.
    Jul 25, 2016
  6. nltimv
    Even if you'd set up a server, you wouldn't be able to share the IP anyways (but we might have a small chance if we show this to Krysyy:
    Jul 25, 2016
  7. nltimv
    But I'd love to see this happen
    Jul 25, 2016
  8. AmusedStew
    You actually can share IPs if you do so in private message. Atleast its been allowed before.
    Jul 25, 2016
  9. nltimv
    Yeah you can, but how will you make the server known to EMC if you can't talk about it publicly?
    Jul 25, 2016
  10. AmusedStew
    You can talk about it with staff approval. We had a hexxit server once that was run by Erose and had about 10 other EMC players who joined in.
    Jul 25, 2016
  11. nltimv
    That's good! Setting up a server can really be a pain, but I'd love to help if you do decide to setup a server (I have some experience with Spigot, plugins, permissions etc.). If we have around a maximum of 10 players on at the same time, hosting will cost arond $20-30 per month
    Jul 25, 2016
  12. AmusedStew
    I wouldn't be the one hosting, would cost too much. Just stating that it would be cool to have one mostly because the public pixelmon servers arent that great.
    Jul 25, 2016
  13. nltimv
    That's probably the reason why we don't have one, the costs :P
    But I agree, it would be cool
    Jul 25, 2016
  14. 607
    The server would probably be able to handle 10 people Pixelmon very well, as I believe our UHC server was once the second best (as in power) Dutch server (it's located in Germany, though).
    Still though, it does not seem like the best of ideas if we want to keep it EMC only.
    Jul 26, 2016
  15. BenMA
    Hosting a server that can hold a max of 10 players, costing $20-$30? I know of a server host that charges $3-$8 for 20 or so players. And you have complete control over it. Sorry for posting this late. :)
    Jul 31, 2016
  16. nltimv
    Pixelmon also needs some RAM (plus all other plugins). You'll need at least 3GB (maybe 4) of RAM for the server to function correctly.
    Jul 31, 2016