Comments on Profile Post by Jay2a

  1. ChickenDice
    I'd have to disagree. The new purpur is probably my all time favorite block. I love the color purple and now I can actually make buildings that just don't consist of purple clay and wool :P
    Jul 2, 2016
  2. NuclearBobomb
    how are they terrible?
    Jul 2, 2016
  3. Jay2a
    I don't know. I just haven't generally enjoyed the texturework in the more recent updates of Minecraft.
    Jul 2, 2016
  4. 607
    Hm, I quite like them. They don't really fit in with a lot of the other stuff, I find, though.
    Jul 2, 2016
  5. Hashhog
    This is late, but I agree with 607 there. I like how the purpur blocks look but struggle to think of how I could use them in builds because they don't seem to go well with much, if anything... end bricks are a bit better.
    Aug 19, 2016