Comments on Profile Post by jkjkjk182

  1. Krysyy
    I looked for a way to determine this when we added the last round of trophy updates, but unfortunately there wasn't a way =( The players know themselves though so I guess that counts for something.
    May 25, 2016
  2. jkjkjk182
    I is impossible to make a perfect trophy system. :P I am more referencing the players who call themselves veterans when trying to explain something, convince someone, or gain popularity.
    May 25, 2016
  3. Olga
    ive been on the forums this whole time just not in game all the time do i qualify
    May 25, 2016
  4. jkjkjk182
    Yes I think you qualify:P
    May 25, 2016
  5. Roslyn
    Im here everyday but I keep quiet ingame. Do I qualify?
    May 25, 2016
  6. TomvanWijnen
    I've took a break, as in not doing much ingame, but never going derelict, and continuing voting and checking the forums. Does that disqualify me? :P
    Jun 1, 2016
  7. jkjkjk182
    As long as one has been around EMC in some way fairly often since their joining, they aren't disqualified.:P xD
    Jun 1, 2016
  8. TomvanWijnen
    :D then I'm surely not disqualified :D
    Jun 1, 2016
  9. CaptainFoxy_
    I believe this is directed towards me, if you have a problem you can certainly pm me.
    Oct 3, 2016