Comments on Profile Post by Dr_Chocolate

  1. Rhyblet
    What's it on?
    May 23, 2016
  2. Dr_Chocolate
    I have to Industrial Revolution. I wanted to do how Socialism came out of it but I couldn't find sources to cite. So now I'm doing transportation. 50% done! Yay!
    May 23, 2016
  3. ElfinPineapple
    Go one step further: tie in the arguments of the authors and practitioners of communism: Karl Marx, Frederich Engel, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Fidel Castro, and so many others.
    May 23, 2016
  4. ElfinPineapple
    While they recognize the enormous benefits of the Industrial Revolution, they would quickly and emphatically argue that a market not controlled by the government is a market doomed to corruption. Government has to be implemented to maintain the delicate balance.
    May 23, 2016
  5. ElfinPineapple
    And if you want, tie in pro-market arguments from many conservative leaders such as Ronald Reagan and Adam Smith (There's more but I can't think of them) as a contrast to the communist view of the industrial revolution.
    May 23, 2016
  6. Rhyblet
    Ugh, I had to do a 10 page paper on the industrial revolution last year, want me to send it to you?
    May 23, 2016
  7. ElfinPineapple
    Wouldn't advise accepting the offer. There's a lot of systems running around to prevent cheating these days - if Dufne's paper got anywhere near one of those systems it'll flag instantly and you'll find yourself wishing you completed the paper on your own.

    Believe me, I've seen many a student's grade crash and burn over it - far better to take the higher road in this case.
    May 23, 2016
  8. Dr_Chocolate
    Yeah, I'm nearly done. Thanks for the help everyone.
    May 23, 2016