Comments on Profile Post by Blondekid42

  1. ShelLuser
    Wait, wait, wait... 20th of May is your birthday as well?!
    May 20, 2016
  2. ShelLuser
    Can't be! I thought I had that all patented out :)
    May 20, 2016
  3. Blondekid42
    Are you saying we share a bday Shel? O.O
    May 20, 2016
  4. ShelLuser
    Seems that way, LOL... ok, this is gonna cost you, I'm sure you realize as much? ;) when I get back online later I'll send ya nice gift. But this is cool! and yah, I'm born 20th May 1970 :)
    May 20, 2016
  5. Blondekid42
    That is awesome. Hahaha 20th May, 1995. I shall also send you a nice gift for thy day of the birth. ^_^
    May 20, 2016