Comments on Profile Post by MissFable

  1. MissFable
    It sounded fine and they said "small" and it turned out it really wasn't
    May 10, 2016
  2. MissFable
    Kicked out said player and had to clean up the mess only to find out they made off with half a stack of iron, half a stack of redstone, a stack of stone slabs, and a stack of stone bricks.
    May 10, 2016
  3. MissFable
    I can't really report them for stealing since I made said mats available to them but it was for the purposes of the modification only
    May 10, 2016
  4. MissFable
    Yes it wasnt a big loss in terms of R but it makes me no less angry to be stolen from, especially since this player is a regular visitor to the gold farm and a diamond supporter to boot!
    May 10, 2016
  5. NuclearBobomb
    Stealing is still stealing. Get a staff involved.
    May 11, 2016