Comments on Profile Post by ToddV

  1. TomRichey
    I'm sure it'll get fixed soon. Don't leave us!
    Feb 4, 2016
  2. SkareCboi
    prepare for the EMC ressession
    Feb 4, 2016
  3. FloatinPineapple
    PROTESTERS GO WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Feb 4, 2016
  4. salmjd
    occupy wall street!
    Feb 4, 2016
  5. salmjd
    uh i mean smp1!
    Feb 4, 2016
  6. Birosquinha1
    What's wrong with the signs other than being unbreakable? You can solve this problem by breaking the chest instead...
    Feb 4, 2016
  7. SkareCboi
    lets all riot!!
    Feb 4, 2016
  8. cadgamer101
    2000 will be missed (already is)
    Feb 5, 2016
  9. ToddV
    The signs on the side of my chests sell to the neighboring chests instead of the chest that the sign is attached to. A bunch of stock got mixed into other chests and it could've bankrupted any player who capped a chest, but had another chest nearby the shop sign.
    Feb 5, 2016
  10. ToddV
    Yeah I'm glad NetherSpecter pointed this out to me as he was selling me items. I had no idea. Faithcaster and I talked to the development team and they are working to restore this issue.
    Feb 5, 2016
  11. Nickblockmaster
    Nooo Not 2000! *Goes on a monstrous rampage* I hope it reopens, I miss it already =/
    Feb 5, 2016
  12. NetherSpecter
    My pleasure to point it out. I thought it was a bit weird when I sold you more than a DC of flakes to only a DC... Anyways glad I caught it before anyone else figured it out. :)
    Feb 5, 2016