Comments on Profile Post by 607

  1. LeoV
    ;-; Did the same with my phone last week.
    Nov 26, 2015
  2. JParsonsX
    This one girl at my school purposely breaks her phone to get a new one like every week D:
    Nov 27, 2015
  3. 607
    Waaatt... that's messed up, I think.
    But you have to fill in what happened, right? Won't they sense anything?
    Nov 27, 2015
  4. JParsonsX
    Her parents spoil her =P and they don't care it appears
    Nov 27, 2015
  5. 607
    Ooh, it's her parents. Mine is partly owned by school.
    The only thing I have myself is a Nokia of like $50, and I couldn't break that even if I tried, probably ;)
    Nov 27, 2015
  6. JParsonsX
    Oooooh xD
    Nov 27, 2015