Jun 6, 2012
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Pittsburgh, PA
Anything to Do With Computers!

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Dedicated Member, from Pittsburgh, PA

Hello. Sep 3, 2016

    1. Matherox
      Something about the BO3 zombies is just.. harder..
      1. CaptainFoxy_
        Squids everywhere
        Nov 10, 2015
      2. Matherox
        They changed their movement system (They will run on round 1 even if it isn't the last zombie..)
        Nov 12, 2015
    2. Matherox
      I played Nuketown Gun-Game on BO3 for the past 14 hours.. I started at 7:00 PM and ended at 11:00 AM
    3. Matherox
      The new COD is.. practically the same as Halo at some points. Mostly the training facility....
      1. Deadmaster98 likes this.
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      3. Deadmaster98
        I've noticed they steal features from other games, the similarities the newer ones have are ridiculous. I think the only reason the Jump suit on AW was introduced was because of Titanfall being a success xD
        Nov 7, 2015
      4. Matherox
        Nov 7, 2015
      5. Matherox
        They even copied the "winners screen" at the end of rounds from Assassin's Creed.
        Nov 7, 2015
    4. Matherox
      Time for an external hard drive for my Xbox One..
    5. Matherox
      BO3 releases tommorow.. Still debating if I should pre-order today and get Nuketown or wait.. Well, I'm gonna buy it anyways...
      1. Matherox
        And the hardened edition is sold out..
        Nov 5, 2015
      2. Matherox
        This same thing happened when I went to pre-order an Xbox One :P

        The Day One edition sold out like 10 minutes before I decided to buy it..
        Nov 5, 2015
    6. EquableHook
      Hey Congratz on the stream Team
      1. Matherox likes this.
      2. Matherox
        Thanks for the.. fashionably late congrats!
        Nov 4, 2015
      3. EquableHook
        Uh as per usual :D
        Nov 4, 2015
      4. Matherox
        Only,,, *Goes through profile pages* 201 days late! :D
        Nov 5, 2015
    7. MustangLover25
      By your name do you mean Eminem?!?!
      1. Matherox likes this.
      2. Matherox
        Nov 3, 2015
      3. MustangLover25
        His actual name is Marshall Mathers.
        Nov 7, 2015
    8. Matherox
      New video coming out soon on my channel :D (Yes, I know I never post...) Edit: Link in comments
      1. HelloKittyRo likes this.
      2. Matherox
        Nov 1, 2015
    9. BenCannoli
      1. Matherox likes this.
    10. Matherox
      For some reason I have 5 copies of Black Ops 1
      1. nuclearbobomb likes this.
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      3. IceQueenDawn
        isn't that BO5?
        Oct 21, 2015
      4. BenCannoli
        Gimme Hardline!
        Oct 21, 2015
      5. Matherox
        I only have 3 game cases, but at one time I remember I had 4 Xbox 360 game cases and a PS3 disc, so I have 5 copies :P
        Oct 24, 2015
    11. Matherox
      New username for all my new accounts :D
      1. PenguinDJ likes this.
      2. Keliris
        Cool name explanation?
        Oct 20, 2015
      3. Matherox
        I was thinking of cool names with math then it just popped into my head. Doesn't really mean anything :P
        Oct 21, 2015
    12. Matherox
      Someone just hacked me $1,240,000 into my GTA.. I didn't ask or anything either..
      1. View previous comments...
      2. FDNY21
        Ahh I did the same c: Got it on One after it came out on One and transferred my profile from 360 to One
        Oct 21, 2015
      3. CyborgTed
        Hehe, I might spawn money here and there on PC ;)
        Oct 23, 2015
      4. FDNY21
        Meanwhile, I remain poor on Xbox One xD I may buy it on PC some time but at the minute it still costs a fair bit - I've bought it new on 360 and One and they don't need any more of my money just yet! :P
        Oct 24, 2015
    13. Matherox
      Should I dish out the $130 or so for a complete-ish Dungeons and Dragons "set" (For lack of better term)
    14. Matherox
      1. 607 likes this.
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      3. Matherox

        It depends on what I am doing, really.. I am not going to write a school paper in Excel.
        Oct 16, 2015
      4. 607
        No, true. But Excel has the most distinct useful features, I think. Anyway, Google seems to be imitating Office anyway with Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Spreadsheets and Google Notes...
        not that I mind, I like Google's services.
        Oct 16, 2015
      5. Matherox
        Man, I really love the new look of Microsoft Office...
        Oct 17, 2015
      1. View previous comments...
      2. CadenMann
        Sounds like a microwave to me.
        Oct 15, 2015
      3. Matherox
        You could engrave pizza rolls with it
        Oct 15, 2015
      4. Matherox
        Actually, I may do that if I ever get it..
        Oct 20, 2015
    15. BenCannoli
      Because I don' know...
      ░░░░░░░█▐▓▓░████▄▄▄█▀▄▓▓▓▌█ very cool
      ░░█▀▄▓▓▓███▓▓▓███▓▓▓▄░░▄▓▐█▌ such awsome
      █▌███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▐░░▄▓▓███▓▓▓▄▀▐█ much amazing
      █▐▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▄▄▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓█▓█▓█▓▓▓▐█ WoW
      1. ObscureGolem and NewNameHere like this.
      2. Matherox
        Now that is legitnessss
        Oct 6, 2015
      3. BenCannoli
        Thanks for noticing NewNameHere Senpai! o(≧∇≦)o
        Oct 10, 2015
    16. synth_apparition
      Your signature told me I'm from London. I'm waaay more up north than that :P
      1. NewNameHere likes this.
    17. Carbhoe
      Eyyy, late congrats for Stream Team :P
      1. NewNameHere likes this.
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    Anything to Do With Computers!
    Hey, I'm AwesomeBuilder33

    I've been on EMC for around 1100 days now, and I am an official member of the EMC YouTuber team. I like to redstone a lot and making outposts.

    More about me can be found on the wiki page under the YouTuber team section.