Comments on Profile Post by ChickenDice

  1. Unoski
    Every so often, people of the community start this bashing of EMC, and people voice their opinions.
    Oct 9, 2015
  2. ChickenDice
    I've seen it in the past and I'm sure I'll see it again in the future but each time it always seems to be pointing at the same thing as a problem when it clearly isn't
    Oct 9, 2015
  3. Keliris
    I remember one time when a really liked member left there was a massive post about it... I could be wrong though :p I have a horrible memory. One things works a ton of people up.
    Oct 10, 2015
  4. ChickenDice
    Threads like that are like lighting a match next to a bunch of open oil; it will explode in your face. I guess every now and then it's okay to have to let everyone get their complaints off their chest and consult with the community about it but I really wish it were done more, what's the word, professionally.
    Oct 10, 2015
  5. PlasmaBanana
    I wouldn't say its gone down the drain, it's just been... different since ICC left.
    Oct 12, 2015
  6. Unoski
    I see little change since ICC left. I do wish we had the giant death parties more often though. Now it's all scheduled and nothing is impromptu.
    Oct 12, 2015
  7. Gawadrolt
    Aikar and kryssy both have hosted a LOT of impromptu events in the past couple months. Much more than the preceeding 7 months I have been here.
    Oct 19, 2015
  8. Apocryphan
    I had left for almost a year, tried to stay neutral in everything, and support both in their own visions, but the cow has wronged people who have trusted him, and aikar has been pretty transparent with his intentions and has always listened to the community when it cried foul to some of his nerfs and I think i miss the other admins more than cow, like chickeneer and robbiejo, and of course 5weety.
    Oct 30, 2015
  9. Gawadrolt
    chickeneer is still here :D as a developer. the only actual owner is Aikar although from my understanding kryssy is actually technically on payroll?
    Oct 30, 2015
  10. Apocryphan
    and Robbiejo is back in her free time too, and it's also nice to see old friends take on the role of admin to help emc grow.
    Oct 30, 2015