Comments on Profile Post by LeoV

  1. EvKem
    Aww, thanks man! Followed you back because you're pretty nice/cool ;D

    Oh and BTW the display has passed 950 heads! I am doing a HEAD count today and I am then going to actually start working on it again, hahah I kinda just obtained heads. Going to auction another 2 or 3 DCs of spares I got. You can have a couple if you want :) See you soon!
    Sep 14, 2015
  2. LeoV
    You've beheaded that many people? D:
    Sep 15, 2015
  3. EvKem
    Hahah, no! I don't ever PvP.
    Sep 15, 2015
  4. LeoV
    Phew. I was scared for a moment then. :)
    Sep 15, 2015