I would not say "I would try other servers" Because I'm pretty sure it counts as advertising. and i love PvP. So Im Happy That EMC Has PvP
I am a large pvper but emc isnt built apon it. The time pvp is off means more work for me on my residentes. Which in all isnt a bad thing. Some people should use that time to create something
I don't hate the PvP arenas, and didn't mean to imply that =P A persons age doesn't determine the way the act, there could be a 6 year-old who acts maturely like a 29 year-old and vice versa. Mutes are temporarily shown in chat and not seen by all, when a player is banned only if you knew that player and bothered to check their '/p' would you know of that. Setting a flag in stone on a residence, most everyone will see. I for one almost always check the /res info of places just to know what I can and can't do inside it
This hit me hard. I love EMC so, so, so much. You guys have all given so much to me that no other server has. Although I am not an avid PvPer, when I do go into the arenas, I find so much to do but simply kill each other. We talk, we make alliances, we make groups, sometimes we even fish. To me, PvP is not just PvP. It is a place to make connections, and make friends. Whatever be the reason it is closed, I shall let it be. I will not involve myself in this any more.
going to re-stress krysyys wording ***RENOVATIONS*** PVP wasn't shutdown because of the things mentioned, she was just making a comment on it to THINK about it while its down.
Tiny suggestion for the future, make it so you can get to /pvp and then show the message. As it is it tells you that you don't have movement there which makes you think you're banned from the res.
Do people really still fish in PvP?... I would like to see a new staff tool added. It would be a PvP specific mute, but it would also inflict the punished with Blindness and Hunger X for the length of the mute. People would learn right quick to not be annoyances.
What's wrong with fishing? The hologram is saying not to get upset over getting killed while fishing. It is NOT stopping anyone from fishing.
I didn't tell anyone to leave EMC. I just said that if you like pvp there are better, nigh, much better options. I myself have spent less than 1/100th of my time playing minecraft anywhere besides EMC. Minecraft in general is about as bland as pvp gets. Emc just puts even more of a damper on that because it isn't a pvp server and limits so much that you could be able to do even in a vanilla situation.
For those that fish in PVP, Please Fish @ /v Mudhut. This will cause so much less drama. I just Made this thread just to show people, that acting up will result in a loss. This has even happened with Mobarena, when people where reporting and acting up. Hope that everyone that see's this may wise up, and respect others in pvp. I for one, have not been very respected in pvp, and hope this changes them..