Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. That software has to be rebooted too, and thats the best timeframe to do it.

    There's 2 servers for EMC,, the SMP itself and then BungeeCord, the system that lets you switch between different SMP's without disconnecting.

    That we simply reboot weekly, but its 30 minutes to an hour later:

    #automatic restarts
    #10 4 * * * $MC restart smp7 -m "Automated Reboot: Nightly Reboot" -s
    #20 4 * * * $MC restart smp8 -m "Automated Reboot: Nightly Reboot" -s
    #30 4 * * * $MC restart smp9 -m "Automated Reboot: Nightly Reboot" -s
    0  5 * * 3 $MC restart proxy3 -m "Automated Weekly Reboot" -s
    ShelLuser and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. won't let me join :(
  3. It works once you try a few times
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  4. it says: Failed to log in, The Authentication servers are currently down for maintenance
  5. I've tried many times now, about like 50 times still not working. it keeps giving me The authentication servers are currently down for maintenance
  6. yay it finally worked! weee! yay! thanks!
  7. it seems to be that your on
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. I don't care when it happens i just don't like the fact that its call weekly reboot when in fact its a daily reboot.
  9. Smp2 just broke and can't get back in. Some error: Exception Connecting:IOException : Connection reset by peer @
    PenguinDJ and The_Dark_Days like this.
  10. So new problem!! Whenever me and a couple others try to log in, it says can't connect, exceptional reasons, a lot of codes, etc. i was kicked in game and it said "kicked from server: reason: connecting to more than one server, you can only be connected to one server at a time. uh. i was in smp2 and it said i was connecting to smp1?? alrighty then.
  11. Got the same error as southpark.
  12. it won't let me go on smp2, same problem as southpark and karatekitkat
    The_Dark_Days likes this.
  13. I swear there was some sort of Wiki page on the "you can only be connected to one server at a time." If anyone finds it I'll give you a few rupees for your time. Thanks!
    SEPTHEKID and The_Dark_Days like this.
  14. Smp2 ran out of memory due to the lack of the server restart we usually do nightly. We didn't run one last night because of the ddos issues. Now we see why they are important =P

    We're restarting it and hopefully things will smooth out. It won't let you autoc connect to another smp if you were on smp2 because it still thinks you are logged in.
  15. Not sure if anyone else is getting this, but when I go to my res or entering/leaving protected area it displays the message many times. Sometimes also falling through the ground. This message was shown about 40 times at once.

    Maybe that sheep to the right is to blame... :D
    Patr1cV and SEPTHEKID like this.
  16. It's known, devs are on it tonight
    Gawadrolt and ThaKloned like this.
  17. Oh good :) The sheep will be spared then :p
    SEPTHEKID likes this.

  18. That is a really guilty looking sheep. More so than I would have thought possible.
    ThaKloned and ShelLuser like this.
  19. You're confusing the reboots. One IS weekly, but there is a daily reboot too. They are separate.
    SEPTHEKID and ShelLuser like this.
  20. I've noticed a few problems with residence enter/exit messages:
    • Logging on shows an entrance message 3 times
    • Warping between residences shows entrance and exit messages twice
    • New residences say "Welcome to residence Jay2a" instead of "Welcome to Jay2a's residence" (To name an example)
    Ultimamaxx and Gawadrolt like this.