smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. We still aren't at 1k pages *cringe*
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  2. Farewell Leopard. Hopefully your time was fun while it lasted.

    I think that should be fine, if you're willing to do it. To be honest, better access to LLO might be what we need right now.

    Also, I'll be back in July from vacation so expect a meeting to actually be held soon. Lots of stuff to do around here…
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. I think that we should have a few people go and join the PoC to try and create a stronger bond with them, I think they could be a powerful outpost one day, and if some of us get in we could try having a few of them join here, thoughts?
  4. Why do I even bother.
    penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  5. Because it looks really cool, and some of us appreciate it.
    penfoldex and Jakres like this.
  6. Hi!

    I am planning to build some cool farms for the community! I have a town on smp1 and maybe it could become an extension of LLO PM me for more info or to tell me coords, thx!
    zulu9 and beardude123 like this.
  7. Day what day is it now .-.

  8. Sure, build your farms. Just let us know where!

    As for the smp1 extension, we'll take it into account.

  9. Just a bit more stuff do to and then shout " 'EY GUYS BUILD HERE PLZ"
    penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  10. Ok, so this is something I meant to do a while ago (as in 6-7 months ago :p) but I've finally gotten around to doing it.

    A while ago, a few of us were discussing how we could change the LLO to attract some more members and to make it more active. The idea is to essentially "federate" the LLO. We have previously split the LLO into districts, however these were merely something on a map. However, our idea now is to split the LLO into districts, which would act almost as separate, autonomous outposts.

    Each of these districts would have a representative (essentially a leader), who would sit on an LLO council, along with other representatives and other select LLO members. The job of this council is make make sure each district is working in the best interest of other districts and would oversee cooperation and construction of things such as rail lines between the districts. This council is not in charge of the LLO, but is simply there for guidance. For example, things such as the rail line would continue to be expanded and maintained by the community, the council would be there to ensure that expansion and maintenance gets done. They couldn't make any decisions without the community agreeing with them.

    These district representatives could run their districts however they want, as long as they (mostly) keep the LLO's original ideals of being free and open. For example, the representatives could control land by splitting it into plots, but they couldn't prevent people from moving into the district. Each district could have their own thread on the forums (although preferably they would then send people to this thread) and they could advertise independently.

    Each district could have its own town hall system like the LLO has, where people based in that district could discuss what is happening. There would then be a main LLO town hall where we would discuss issues and happenings regarding the whole LLO.

    If we do put this system in place, our goal would be to split the current LLO area into districts and bring new people into these existing areas to populate them. We would not go expanding the LLO and creating any more new districts until we need to. There are already some loosely defined districts in the LLO which we could base our final definitions on, however we would do this once this system is in place.

    Because this needs to be a community decision, I have a set up a form where you can all go and vote yes or no for this idea.
    Vote Here

    If anyone has any questions or concerns, please just say so here.

    Thanks :D

    (I've been listening to the House of Cards soundtrack while writing this, so don't blame me if I sound like Frank Underwood anywhere in this :p)
  11. What about district borders? What do we to with those districts that are left abandoned (and unfinished)?
    *tries to be useful*
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. The idea is, someone would hopefully come in and work to revive and rebuild unfinished or abandoned districts. And regarding district borders, we can define district borders once we know whether we'll be doing this or not. But we do already have some loose districts (yettitown, west, chicken shores, northern edge) that we can work with and modify.
  13. What happens, if there is a referendum in a district about becoming full independent from LLO? :p
  14. What districts are abandoned? I want to 'run' one and kind of revamp it a bit. I'd make my own, but we have too many ones lying around that are hardly used as is and I don't want to add to that number.

    Also +1 to the federation idea, since I started the discussion (well, actually, Pen did, after I went weeks without a reply to my post in this thread :'( ) which caused it to be built on and made the suggestion of it in the first place :p

  15. Taiga: Spaskiba hasn't been online for months and no sign of life around that place.
    Swamp: I haven't saw any new sign of life around that place and I can't find any signs nor locked chests showing who's the owner around the place.
    Desert: beardude might still have plans what do to in Never farms.

    Jungle: Jimbonothing64 pretty much abandoned everything in EMC now ;-; (Its named Jimbo Town)

    Over there is Llamacama. Probably one of MrLegitislegit's places, since he has a house there. Better ask him if he still has plans for it. That big unfinished farm building is onlinesteve614's. That player hasn't been on for 40 days.
  16. Hopefully no one does anything that drastic :p

    I don't see why they'd want to :p
  17. Hello! I have been reading this thread - started at page 1 and read through 25 then hopped here to the end. I would like to send my alt over to take a tour of your city, and invite a representative over to check out our new outpost on SMP5. I love what you guys have done and hope to get some tips from you on how to avoid potential problems in our town. We are Jackpot Canyon, currently have 8 active members and 1 who is not so active but plans on returning soon. We started out being very open about members but then became more selective to try and get some heavy-duty pro builders in. We have a pretty good representation as to geographical location (irl, to help spread out time zones), age, and gender. Jackpot Canyon is Established as per forum requirements and I am the founder.

    Also, maybe my alt could join your village? I play quite a bit and have two computer so I can idle at one place while building etc. on the other. I found you on the map and am pretty confident that I can get there without guidance. I would probably have to help someone get over to us, however, as we use a combination of boat/nether portal/railways and are pretty far out.
    zulu9, synth_apparition and penfoldex like this.
  18. Heyo. I can give you a tour guide, just get some food (or bowls for soups from mooshrooms) and a minecart. Tell me when you are ready.

    Also guys, who's handling cords and stuff for new players to join now?
    zulu9 and penfoldex like this.
  19. Probably the first person to respond :p Otherwise, pen's usually good at doing it :p
    zulu9 and penfoldex like this.