Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. Ah, nice! :D I hadn't seen many of the pics that early in the thread, so I must've missed it. :)

    Aw, that's cute. :) What kind of bird is that? He looks pretty colorful and/or tropical. Did the aquarium have any walruses? I've only had the opportunity to see a walrus in real life once or twice before (unfortunately) they moved to a different zoo/aquarium.
    607 likes this.
  2. Because........That is not Lucky......its just a regular bird

    OR IS IT!
  3. Its a Conure Species (Parakeets Native to south America) I believe it is a Green-Cheeked Conure. Also, no, but they did have Seals (Harbor and Gray) and Sea Lions. Although they do have a Walrus at the NY Aquarium, which is only an Hour or so away from me, also, What zoo was it? (Im curious, because I am a Zoo Nerd :p)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  4. You wore a hard hat to a night club?
    Torian42 likes this.
  5. So that's why you love that car so much you actually own one.
  6. Behold! AverageWalrus and Luckygreenbird!

  7. Loving the storms at the beach!

  8. Well there ya go!
    kuraudochuu, 607, Alyattayla and 2 others like this.
  9. Looks like you a had a great time!
    He knows the true meaning of being prepared. You never know when a horrible disco accident might result in flying bottles or bodies. :p
    I won't give away the zoo name for privacy reasons, but I took a look on Google, and you're definitely right about it being a green cheek conure. :p I should've known that, as I did some bird identification thing at some point that included them. Ah, well. xP
    mustanglover25, cadenman2002 and 607 like this.
  10. Eh night club? Wasn't at a club was in someone's backyard bar.
    607 likes this.
  11. Wrong - we hired it out because I loved it so much :p
    607 likes this.
  12. I actually am older than I look here, though this was taken a week ago.
  13. Haha, you just reminded me of that steel mill scene from The Simpsons. xD

    Of course I can't find a good video of it, but what're you gonna do?
  14. Plebiasaurus and I went to a Lindsey Sterling concert Friday :) It was amazing!
  15. Recently just got back from a trip up to Edinburgh, this selfie was taken at Edinburgh castle overlooking the city and the Firth of Forth ^_^
  16. "The Firth of Forth" sounds like you have a speech impediment.
    poofasaurus and 607 like this.
  17. Now imagine it in a deep Scottish accent :p
    SoulPunisher and 607 like this.
  18. First pic in ages, and at 5am. Feelin real tired.
  19. Blah, guess I should join in on this at some point. Here we go...

  20. A truly magnificent beard :)
    ChickenDice, dresden72, 607 and 4 others like this.
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