Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. But we all want to see what a defne looks like ;-;
    Defne_The_Boss likes this.
  2. I think there was only one person who actually saw it =P
    FinalArc likes this.
  3. How funny would it be if they saved it... :p
    607 likes this.
  4. What happened to the beautiful Green eyes? :eek: Is that lovely Florida weather fading them out, or is it just a bad angle that the picture was taken from. ;)
    quiltingnanny likes this.
  5. ;)
    The Secret Society of Llamas ( SSL ) will keep that secret from you till I get a youtube :).
  6. bad lighting and or my mood at the time. haha.
  7. Haven't posted in a loooong time so here's me in my favourite Jumper <3

    (sorry 'bout the poop quality, my phone camera has been hazy for a while now for no apparent reason)
  8. Aw, missed it :(
  9. It's about time, Dead-bae! I must post a picture soon as well, then. =P
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  10. I posted earlier on in this thread too, in-case you need more of me Caden-bae! <3
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  11. okay okay okay! ... dwight, its law breaking... but look. still photoshop!? :eek::(
    but look at those bats! they look so awesome! :D

  12. Hahaha, I was looking all over being like "where are the bats?" and then I realised they were on you, I was looking for real ones somewhere in your surroundings :p
    battmeghs likes this.
  13. Am I the only one who sees a pattern?:rolleyes:
  14. Yes, there appears to be a large number of quotes in a row ;)
  15. He wasn't trying to be rude at all. I think jkjkjk just realized that you had a lot of succinct comments/supportive things to say about various pictures. In other words, it's about time that you posted a pic so that the rest of us can call YOU pretty! :p
    607 likes this.
  16. its on page 15 near the bottom
  17. Today I went to the Aquarium. They had a temp. Exhibit for the summer, an Aviary where you can go inside. A Bird landed on my Shoulder, Being that I was using an Actual Camera, I got this kinda bad Shot :p
  18. Argh, finally you've posted a beautiful picture of yourself! I half-expected to see a walrus wearing regular clothes. =P
  19. why is luckygreenbird on your shoulder?
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