New to Empire But not to minecraft

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ibdcoffeegod, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. xD Defne, anyway Welcome :D
    ibdcoffeegod likes this.
  2. working to get r's to get land in 8 . i think i need 50k .grrrr
  3. It will take sum time to get a place in 8. but the coffee shop will be on 3 . dont got the volt thing down yet so resources are low =]
  4. Welcome to the Empire, I hope you brought some coffee :p
  5. Hi Im new to empire. (Not Minecraft)
    MistyLou, 607 and Ultimamaxx like this.
  6. Welcome to EMC dolphin! :cool:
  7. Welcome to the Empire!