Rainbow's Mob Arena - Saturdays, 4:30PM EMC Time/9:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Size 60...

    It was really hard to find XXXXXXXXXXL clothes for this one:

    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  2. Oh the Chinsanity! :)
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. After a long hiatus, Rainbow's MA is back!
    First round in just under 3 hours as of this post. :)
  4. Guys, if you're going to my party, it's cancled because a staff is hosting anther party, it will be moved to tomorrow! I'll be there Chin, Promise!
  5. Woop woop! I hope I'll be able to come xD
  6. YES
    Time to get the dust off that wooden axe
    PenguinDJ and wolffpack58 like this.
  7. dat axe ;)
    Chascarrillo and Ultimamaxx like this.
  8. Yuss Ill be there!
  9. So will we Lose Duribility on our gear AND when we die,Will we have our items back?
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  10. You lose durability and items, and your items will not be returned.
    ninjabee2000 likes this.
  11. Durability will be lost on gear that does not have the Unbreaking perk.

    In addition, you will lose all materials upon death that is not soulbound. So your voter gear and some promos (assuming you use them at all) are safe.
    ninjabee2000 and PenguinDJ like this.
  12. wish i could come, as i JUST got my voter's sword, but I can't. :(
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  13. I won't be able to assist because my pc is in agony
    How can I fix this: ?

  14. Try going back to 1.8.4~
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  15. I'm going to be there for the slaughter :D
  16. Well then....Looks like I wont be able to go because I Will lose my best Armour and then rage and yea.....cant allow that to happen. I mean whats worth going somewhere when you got the best stuff and then everyone else dies you get THEIR items,which are NOT the best stuff.So why do you NEED it.To sell it and get more rich?

    But anyway its just My opinion,Just enjoy the rainbow arena and have your hours worth of stuff lost when you die And If you Survive,Well both Skill and lucky you (Along with your days of Game play)(Or Hours if your a supporter).
  17. There's two options for you.

    1) Use voter gear. If that's done the most you'll lose is food and possibly potions - both of which are easily recoverable.
    2) Avoid the item rounds entirely and participate in the non-item rounds. The loot total drops substantially unless someone decided to store illegal items in their inventory versus enderchests. I won a no-items round once and got out like a bandit on loot - so many people didn't listen to advice and put items in enderchests.
    ninjabee2000 and PenguinDJ like this.
  18. These statements are so far from the truth it astounds me...
    Losing stuff is part of the game. If you dislike that, participate in no items rounds, or bring iron/soulbound gear so you don't lose stuff.
    Considering I won the two items rounds (actually, all of them I've participated in since I've tried to win) I feel I should weigh in... If you don't have good stuff, I consider it dirt. That diamond chestplate? I leave it. I leave all potions/food. The only things I take are good armor/weapons and golden apples. The rest is left to everyone else to take. There are DCs upon DCs of total crap in there... selling it would take more time than it's worth. That's my mentality.

    I started with around 100k invested in gear for the mob arenas about a month or two ago. By my most recent estimate, I have just over 1 million rupees in gear... but only 7,000 rupees. Of course, I don't sell anything.
    From this statement, I can tell you dislike the concept of the mob arena in itself. However, the whole game is a wager! That's a good thing! If you want to bring 200k worth of stuff into a mob arena, great for you; if you die that's your loss. If you win... guess what? You just doubled the value of what you brought in. If you dislike that... don't participate, but don't rant on the event just because you don't like it.
    Yeah... absolutely not. Supporters get no benefits that unbalance gameplay this much.
    ninjabee2000 likes this.
  19. I'll be there!!!
  20. O_O I might actually be able to come :D