Rainbow's Mob Arena - Saturdays, 4:30PM EMC Time/9:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. screams at the new arena

    I'll try to make this, even if I'll spend my whole time running around like a headless chicken
    Chocolate800 likes this.
  2. Good Evening Empirians :)

    Although some of you have already guessed it, here's the official announcment.
    It give me great pleasure to say that I will be giving out not one, but two special prizes at tonight's Arena :)
    All in celebration of EMC's 4th Birthday.

    Arena Blade, Edition #009
    Arena Longbow, Edition #003

    Round's start at 4PM EMC Time, 4 hours as of this post.
    See you all there :)
  3. So...9pm BST? Not 10?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  4. As always, yes.
  5. The title of the thread says 10PM though...
    AliceF3 likes this.
  6. glances at the title
  7. .. from March 8th though :p
  8. oh, lol, fixed
    AliceF3 and FDNY21 like this.
  9. Well, I don't have any good gear but I'll be down for a laugh with my Voter's Armour ;) See y'all at 9PM and have fun everyone! :D
  10. Well I won't be able to make it -.- I thought it was 5 EMC time.
  11. Hey, Ainbew, you may want to change the time in the original post too, it says 10PM BST and 5PM EMC time just under the picture :p
  12. Haven't done a big EMC event yet, so maybe I'll make this my first. Don't have the gear for it, but I'll see what I can come up with.
  13. I'm....just going to sit in my corner and not touch anything else.
  14. Are these going to be prizes for 2 separate extra rounds?
  15. Yes -krysyy
  16. congrats to samsimx on winning the first round tonight. 7/25/15 I honestly believe I woulda beat you but there was that whole problem of forgetting to get my food out of my vault XD

    Edit: uh... well... it kind of says the date

    VVVVV down there.... :oops:
  17. Congrats on samsimx winning both item rounds and rhini winning the no item.
    Rimont, Gawadrolt and Runningrhino like this.
  18. Ahh a nice celebratory mass kick :D
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  19. I WILL win one of these before school starts.
  20. We got 1 hour left :)
    PenguinDJ likes this.