[GIVEAWAY] #LovinTheRainbow - Win 750k and a Diamond Voucher!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by JackBiggin, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Rainbow signature! Awesome giveaway and even more awesome inspiration behind it! :)
  2. Am I doing this right?
  3. Cool stuff, man. :) Thanks for this giveaway. I appreciate it. I have added the hashtag to my signature.
    Olaf_C likes this.
  4. <--------

    I'll add the hashtag to my signature next time I'm on a functioning computer, because my iPad doesn't want to give me colours ._.
  5. My signature has the hashtag, also nice giveaway Jack =)
  6. How do I rainbowfy something?
    Can I just use different colored letters?
    cdjs1987 likes this.
  7. signature speaks the truth !!
    cdjs1987 likes this.
  8. #RainbowChinsFTW
    RainbowChin and cdjs1987 like this.
  9. So, If we are against what the rainbow cymbolizes we aren't allowed to enter? sad.
  10. Please don't bring that debate here. A rainbow can mean many things. Enter if you wish, or don't. That's your choice.
  11. I'm assuming that this is for the same-sex ruling in the United States, and holy h*ck am I happy. I do have a couple questions regarding this though. As a pansexual and friend of many others of varying sexualities (I call myself gay quite a bit, and am dating another male right now, but pansexual is a thing), am I able to include all other pride flags, as this is not just a momentous occasion lesbians and gays, but for bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, asexual, gray-ace, polysexual, trans, and non-binary members or the LGBTQ+ community? It seems only fair, I'm not sure if it would disqualify in some sort of way, though I doubt it would. In any case, I'm super happy, and can't see myself being down for another month. Hats of to you Aikar and the staff team for recognizing something so momentous (albeit a battle in a long war) in the LGBTQ+ community :) EDIT: Signature rainbowfied
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  12. The only rule is that you must Rainbowify something, post what it is on the thread and leave it that way until the end of the contest. Any extras are up to you =)
    Damiensmom11, gunthro and yankees518 like this.
  13. Taste the rainbow!!! #LOVINTHERAINBOW
  14. You know, I would enter guys, but I think I have a head start ;p
  15. Just have a rainbow...
    yankees518 likes this.
  16. Pansexual? Does this do anything for you?

    I kid, I kid.
    Ultimamaxx and gunthro like this.
  17. My Skin Avatar fits perfectly with this giveaway
  18. Not in it for the right reason, but I am in it.
  19. This made me laugh way harder than I should have, but rainbows amirite?