Hello all, Go by Rioku as a player most know me as Rio as a gamer. been playing Minecraft for a while, but this is my first time in multiplayer online. After searching for a bit this server peeked my interest and i hope to be active and have a good time here. So cheers,
Welcome to the Empire Rioku. A great server to be active on, lots of great and fun people here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome ! This was my first MP server also about a year ago. Hope you have a blast and if you need anything let me know.
Welcome, the Empire is a great place to learn about all the new aspects of Minecraft that come in MP.
Trust me EMC is a great community. More addicting than bubblegum and the greatest thing since sliced bread! I've been here 2+ years and it still has hidden beauties to me.
Welcome to EMC, RiokuXian! If you need any help, cone to 10277 or 10314 on smp5! If you don't know where that is because you're new, just ask someone else.
Welcome to the Empire! If I was able to go back in time, I would definitely have chosen this as my first server over that one factions server I used to play on.