Animal Updates

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Yes Even the testifacates (npc villagers) lol will do this from time to time in singleplayer. its kinda funny theyl be inside there house and go spider man mode and climb up a wall
  2. What, Minecraft has no bugs! liars! lol j/k

    The reason they are priced high is you can breed them and we also don't want someone buying 500 cows and creating lag in their lot.
  3. great!!.... now just update ur severs so we can fit more ppl....
  4. We are working on adding more :)
  5. thank you. bc ATM im trying to get in.... its been 30 min... its so frustrating
  6. I feel ya
  7. Lol The cowpocalypse
  8. we can breed animals?!?! O_O wow im late
  9. yes with wheat its simply wonderfull! lol
  10. ummm can u explain how? im going to start breeding :3
    bossbaby likes this.
  11. but like u plant the weet on the ground? or u right click it to thm?
  12. Just for the record, my observations were made during the time of 1.8. So what I experienced wasn't a 1.0 thing.

    Though I do imagine this is most likely a Minecraft bug that we're just going to have to live with.
  13. you must right click a adult animal and it will go unto "love mode" then If one gets close they will make a baby!
  14. Will we be able to purchase different color of sheep? Also do sheep regrow their wool?
  15. Sheep do not regrow wool yet, but you can keep breeding them. You can not buy them colored but you can feed them dye and then their babies will be colored.
  16. ...and that is an alert for PETA.

  17. Fortunately most of the dyes are organically grown (flowers, cactus, bonemeal :S)
    They may have an issue with feeding them semi-precious stones and squid ink though.
  18. I've notice this as well. When there huge amount of lag when i go afk i end up in the lava on my plot. I was always like wtf X_X
  19. good show cant wait for stuff to get settled on my end so i can actually play minecraft the way i want too lol :D

    Ps.Keep up the good show jer and justin!