Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. It's great to see everyone! :) Love putting faces to the names. I think the rest of staff should put their pics up as well.. just saying. :rolleyes:

    <3 this place
  2. You're not the only one xD
    batmanlovesyou likes this.
  3. *Makes Public Announcement*
    I am a girl! :p
  4. I keep thinking of this gif when people are surprise of your gender.

    The Imgur Title "When people on the internet think I'm a guy but I'm really a girl."
  5. I know this is old but I had to do it :p


    *Click on the image to view the full resolution*
  6. When you first posted your picture I had enlarged it to see what the smudge on your shirt was and noticed the tag in the one deer's ear. You and the picture taker are also closer to them than I have ever gotten to any wild deer. What is the story behind this?
    607 likes this.
  7. The smudge on my shirt was the name of my school :p The picture was taken at a national park. Although it is in the wilderness, the deer are very tame because there is no hunting allowed, and it is a very safe environment. If you hold food in your hand some deer will eat right out of your hand, although it is illegal to feed them. It may have had a tag in its ear because recently they have been conducting studies about contagious diseases in deer.
  8. er mer gersh! isn't this the snap you sent me? ^.^
  9. Hehe Maybeee
    SeruFaiya likes this.

  10. Keeping warm and I do wear sunglasses at night because I can.... :p
  11. creepy crosses: Check
    Crosses on towels: Check
    Bearded man with sunglasses: check
    Pink candles: Double check!
    607 and Dwight5273 like this.
  12. Siiick Coat! I want one of those!
  13. You and TigerMC are in a tie just waiting till it gives me times instead of saying "A moment ago".
    ThaKloned likes this.
  14. Helps that I work not far from there :)
    melk73 and TechFilmer like this.
  15. If you do post a show yourself picture, get a pic beside one of the guards. ;)
  16. :D Am I allowed to kick them? :confused:
  17. Yes. You are allowed to kick the guards.

    -runs away laughing evilly-
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