Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. oh, my...
  2. *Glad your not a goth rainbow guy with gauges*
    I was more expecting.. Well idk what I was expecting really...

  3. Me on the right, right before homecoming :)
    Edit: Lol, turned out huge xD
  4. rsz_20150207_203223.jpg
    Sorry for large image. Little bit more casual, this time.

    Attached Files:

  5. I love the North Face :DDD
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  7. This is the first time you have posted, right? ;)

    Diggin the north face shirt :|
  8. He's posted before :p
    607 likes this.
  9. I guess that's my fault then for not seeing it... :confused:
  10. Same here lol
  11. I have a photo on page 77 of the 2014 show yourself
  12. Nice 4k resolution camera btw
    (I'm just that good that I know :cool:)
    (Uh is that 8k now that I think about it?:confused:)
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  13. This is not meant to be offensive or anything, but I always thought you were male haha.
  14. Omg... Me too. Again, not to be offensive.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  15. I'm glad you figured out I was NOT a male from the picture :p
  16. I was very surprised to not see any antlers.:eek: /s:p
    boozle628 likes this.
  17. Im going to try to get a new picture in here before the end of the week ;)
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  18. Wait so tech isn't a deer?
  19. She never said which entity in the picture was her, so I am going with deer.
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