February 2015: Show Your Love!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. I love the setup of EMC servers.

    It is easy to get from one smp to another (from /town or with /smp command).

    Also, the wastlands and nether wastlands are great for resources (on Each smp !).

    And dont forget the best feature of our endless Frontier Wilderness... It Never resets!

    You can have a sweet town build or shop on one smp with your friends, then /smp to another EMC server and be at your wild base, then /smp to another EMC server (perhaps utopia ;) ) and be at your favorite farm.

    Simply Great.

    The enderchest and vault setup is just right for this multi-smp adventuring.

    Of course I also love the community, town, wild, EMC quality, promos, staff, player shops, alts, auctions, giveaways, etc, etc.

    And if you look close at my picture, you may see some other things I love.

  2. This a pic of the dragon in the spawn residence. I posted a picture of this because I love all the creative storylines, events, and custom features that EMC comes up with. =) EMC's been a great and unique experience, and I love it!
  3. I love horses because they aren't just fun to be around, but like my best friend in real life. Like a dog is a mans best friend, a horse is a girls love of their life. On minecraft I can presume my real life passion and have races with my friends and have so much fun

    Attached Files:

  4. 2015-02-08_21.07.12.png
    My diamond pyramid :)
  5. I knew I said smp8 was the best :3 :rolleyes:
    Edit: Yea ok sure the staff are pretty cool too ;)
    crystaldragon13 and minanela3 like this.

  6. I love EMC because theres so much to do, everyone's so nice, you can build anything you want on your plots, and lastly, LAPIS BLOCKS! Nuff' said.
  7. I happen to love wool. Especially blue wool, as blue is my favorite color, and is useful for building TARDIS's like this one! Lapis would work too, but is often too expensive, so blue wool is my choice block. :D It also helps that my skin may or may not be Amy Pond.....

    Attached Files:

  8. I love the fact that you can walk around town and find staff in their state of AFK.
  9. To absolutely no one's surprise, the answer is:
  10. I love my armor set, it keeps me safe from the harsh world outside of Town. I call her Azure. <3 <3 ;)
  11. Well, while there are many things on EMC I cherish and appreciate(like my not special dirt collection), I feel honor bound to name the things, or rather people, I value most.


    Corny as it may be, I wouldn't have stayed on EMC for as long as I have without these guys. This server is unique and amazing in a lot of ways, but it's no fun without friends. My girl friend Wither, my sister Kitten, my best friend Sabbet, and my other best pal Dax have all been unbelievable pains in my rear ever since they joined, but I wouldn't have it any other way really. I love em all with every fiber of my being, but I will deny that fact and dump lava on anyone who calls me on it. Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

    also sorry for the long post o^o

  12. I love potatoes, and Michael is bae.
    Why? Well cause potatoes are just easy, like Michael
  13. 2015-02-08_22.06.05.png
    <3 Horses
    My horses are bae
  14. I love Stage, because I get to mess around with Creative Mode and WorldEdit, and see all the cool and top-secret stuff the Build Team and other mods are working on, or have made in the past.

    EDIT: Whoops; you all saw nothing! ;)
  15. Here are the two things I love most, That are in EMC
    My skyscraper (I loved building it and making add ons for it now).
    And a pixelart of my gf, that sadly is half a world away. ,..It will be quite a lonely Valentines Day, ...but at least I can always come on EMC and play with y'all!! ;)
  16. what texture pack r u using?
  17. My loves! Horses! Why? I've loved horses for as long as I can remember, since I was young. Probably started when my aunt worked at a stables and would take my cousin & I riding, ever since they've been my favorite animal both real life and video games. Though video games are the only place I can actually own them. lol I don't think having a horse in the middle of a city is a good idea. :(

  18. I love my Sith Temple and SMP8! 2015-02-09_03.06.29.png
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