Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. Woot Woot Me Playing On EMC and Skyping One Of The EMC Peeps!!! I love EMC and my spoiled little doggy!!!

  2. I cant I am under 10 LOL turning 10 this year. DONT JUDGE ME


  4. I don't remember when I took this pic. I think it was like 2 nights ago.

    Attached Files:

  5. Bed Selfie huh
  6. Oh goodness, someone has discovered the tiny devil man controlling my gigantic robotic body!
    dresden72 and Alyattayla like this.
  7. Max says I do have some. All the responsibility i've taken on and stress I've dealt with over the past 4 years? I don't doubt it lol.
    607 and southpark347 like this.
  8. My pillow gave me away haha
  9. Dont we have a good lookin community
  10. Isnt that the truth!
  11. Could not agree more.
  12. IMG_20150102_215311209.jpg
    Nerd alert! Getting home from work and ready to play on Empire. This is my first anything on the forums.
  13. Yeah, I know.... I'm a geek - shaddap -w-;


    Probably why some people (aka karkar651) call me "wiki" on here


    I'd wear my Freedom Planet shirt too but my book is covering the shirt anyway and it's currently in the wash so eh
  14. Nice try :p

    I was asked about this method in Mumble (why isn't everyone on mumble?) and I said this doesn't count. I see though that I may have to come up with something for all you 'creative' type players ;)
    Gearmaster09 and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  15. Oh cmon if they are willing to put in that effort to potentially ruin a pair of socks...!
  16. Photo Bombing :eek:
    nfell2009 and ChrisFlareon like this.
  17. carolmoss likes this.
  18. carolmoss and melk73 like this.
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